Book Of Mormon Reading Program
Book Of Mormon Reading Program' title='Book Of Mormon Reading Program' />Who is Discover the Scriptures For The Discover the Scriptures program systematically introduces children to the beautiful stories of the Book of Mormon, the Old. Josephs Plagiarism in Book of Mormon and Other Revelations. Book of Mormon. Early Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt made a statement concerning the Book of Mormon. A Testimony Vibrant and True. We often sing in our congregations a favorite hymn, An Angel from on High, whose words were written more than a century and a half ago by Parley P. Pratt. 1 They represent his declaration of the miraculous coming forth of a remarkable book. Exactly 1. 76 years ago this fall that book was first being set in type and run on a press in Palmyra, New York. It is inspiring to learn how Parley Pratt came to know of the book about which he wrote the words of this hymn. Live Coverage Of Impeachment Trial Of President. In August of 1. 83. Ohio to eastern New York. SrPrimary%20DandC%20reading%20chart.jpg' alt='Book Of Mormon Reading Program' title='Book Of Mormon Reading Program' />Reviews of The Book of Mormon musical have been all over the entertainment media in the past few weeks. But Im not buying what Im reading in the reviews. Mormon Church President and Prophet Gordon B. Hinckley toured the floodravaged cities of Santa Clara and St. George on Saturday, February 27th, 2005. President Nelson. What Would Your Life Be Like Without the Book of Mormon The deadline for the Mormon History Associations annual conference in Boise, ID is coming up in about two weeks on Wednesday November 15 th. At Newark, along the Erie Canal, he left the boat and walked 1. Baptist deacon by the name of Hamlin, who told him of a book, a strange book, a VERY STRANGE BOOKThis book, he said, purported to have been originally written on plates either of gold or brass, by a branch of the tribes of Israel and to have been discovered and translated by a young man near Palmyra, in the State of New York, by the aid of visions, or the ministry of angels. I inquired of him how or where the book was to be obtained. He promised me the perusal of it, at his house the next day. Next morning I called at his house, where, for the first time, my eyes beheld the BOOK OF MORMONthat book of books which was the principal means, in the hands of God, of directing the entire course of my future life. I opened it with eagerness, and read its title page. I then read the testimony of several witnesses in relation to the manner of its being found and translated. After this I commenced its contents by course. I read all day eating was a burden, I had no desire for food sleep was a burden when the night came, for I preferred reading to sleep. As I read, the spirit of the Lord was upon me, and I knew and comprehended that the book was true, as plainly and manifestly as a man comprehends and knows that he exists. Parley Pratt was then 2. The reading of the Book of Mormon affected him so profoundly that he was soon baptized into the Church and became one of its most effective and powerful advocates. In the course of his ministry he traveled from coast to coast across what is now the United States, into Canada, and to England he worked in the isles of the Pacific and was the first Latter day Saint missionary to set foot on the soil of South America. In 1. 85. 7, while serving a mission in Arkansas, he was shot in the back and killed by an assailant. He was buried in a rural area near the community of Alma, and today in that quiet place a large block of polished granite marks the site of his grave. Incised in its surface are the words of another of his great and prophetic hymns, setting forth his vision of the work in which he was engaged The morning breaks, the shadows flee Lo, Zions standard is unfurled The dawning of a brighter day. Majestic rises on the world. The clouds of error disappear. Before the rays of truth divine The glory bursting from afar. Wide oer the nations soon will shine. Parley Pratts experience with the Book of Mormon was not unique. As the volumes of the first edition were circulated and read, strong men and women by the hundreds were so deeply touched that they gave up everything they owned, and in the years that followed not a few even gave their lives for the witness they carried in their hearts of the truth of this remarkable volume. Today, a century and three quarters after its first publication, the Book of Mormon is more widely read than at any time in its history. Whereas there were 5,0. Its appeal is as timeless as truth, as universal as mankind. It is the only book that contains within its covers a promise that by divine power the reader may know with certainty of its truth. Its origin is miraculous when the story of that origin is first told to one unfamiliar with it, it is almost unbelievable. But the book is here to be felt and handled and read. No one can dispute its presence. All efforts to account for its origin, other than the account given by Joseph Smith, have been shown to lack substance. It is a record of ancient America. It is a scripture of the New World, as certainly as the Bible is the scripture of the Old. Each of these volumes of scripture speaks of the other. Each carries with it the spirit of inspiration, the power to convince and to convert. Together they become two witnesses, hand in hand, that Jesus is the Christ, the resurrected and living Son of the living God. The Book of Mormon narrative is a chronicle of nations long since gone. But in its descriptions of the problems of todays society, it is as current as the morning newspaper and much more definitive, inspired, and inspiring concerning the solutions of those problems. I know of no other writing which sets forth with such clarity the tragic consequences to societies that follow courses contrary to the commandments of God. Its pages trace the stories of two distinct civilizations that flourished on the Western Hemisphere. Each began as a small nation, its people walking in the fear of the Lord. But with prosperity came growing evils. The people succumbed to the wiles of ambitious and scheming leaders who oppressed them with burdensome taxes, who lulled them with hollow promises, who countenanced and even encouraged loose and lascivious living. These evil schemers led the people into terrible wars that resulted in the death of millions and the final and total extinction of two great civilizations in two different eras. No other written testament so clearly illustrates the fact that when men and nations walk in the fear of God and in obedience to His commandments, they prosper and grow, but when they disregard Him and His word, there comes a decay that, unless arrested by righteousness, leads to impotence and death. The Book of Mormon is an affirmation of the Old Testament proverb Righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people Prov. The God of heaven spoke to these people of the Americas through prophets, telling them where true security could be found Behold, this is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ Ether 2 1. While the Book of Mormon speaks with power to the issues that affect our modern society, the great and stirring burden of its message is a testimony, vibrant and true, that Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messiah, He who walked the dusty roads of Palestine healing the sick and teaching the doctrines of salvation who died upon the cross of Calvary who on the third day came forth from the tomb, appearing to many. Prior to His final Ascension, He visited the people of this Western Hemisphere, concerning whom He earlier had said, And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd John 1. For centuries the Bible stood alone as a written testimony of the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth. Best Site For Software For Pc Suite'>Best Site For Software For Pc Suite. Now, at its side, stands a second and powerful witness which has come forth to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself unto all nations Book of Mormon. As I indicated earlier, at this season exactly 1. Book of Mormon, which had been translated by the gift and power of God Book of Mormon title page was being set in type and run on a small press in Palmyra, New York.